Twin Tigers Acupuncture & Weight Loss
Colorado Springs Colorado
Free 10 minute phone consultation to see if acupuncture is right for you.
(60-90 minutes)
Discounted follow up treatments $65 each in the same calendar month. Give away treatments to a friend after their initial consultation or get discounts on a gift certificate. Credits are good for 2 years from the purchase date. Cancel anytime just give us a week before your renewal date. It is like a gym membership for your health.
(60-90 minutes)
(45-60 minutes)
(appointments for 7-8 hours broken into two appointments and two follow up calls.) Mental Emotional Release technique.
-$25.00 (added to an acupuncture treatment)
-MER only $ 70.00 (15-30 minutes)
(30-60 minutes)
(30-60 minutes)
($25 added to acupuncture)
(30-60 minutes)
(30-60 minutes)
fee to re-start the plan
NSF fee is $60 for all returned checks